Devsena mishraLean ManagementNarendra Modi

Application of lean management in professional life and organizational growth

Lean Management is a good approach, the key focus of Lean is identification and elimination of wasteful actions. Today most of the organization’s standard policies are based on mutual benefits of employee and organization. During the implementation of these policies, I have observed some situations which need to handle in a lean manner. Also in all situations, we have a need to follow ethics by keeping professional grooming in mind.

A Lean approach in professional life- The need is to manage Time/Energy and Money carefully:

  • Time/Energy- We have a need to plan our work shift in such a way so that we can take some time out for self-grooming and upgrading of skills/knowledge to stay updated and informed about the market. This not only helps us in becoming a better professional but also brings quality in our activities which help our current organization as well. Our time/energy is precious and we should spend it carefully.

  • Money- Rather than waiting for your organization to arrange training for you and waiting for some reimbursement scheme for certification/training, we have a need to understand that money spent on training/certification is required for our career and growth.

We should analyze our activities to identify what things can get eliminated in order to manage time/energy and money.

Lean approach for organizational growth- Organizations are looking for those professionals who are fast, smart and self-motivated, thus there is a need to create an atmosphere for the same. For this organization needs to analyze what processes/policies are a good candidate for lean management. Smoother running processes bring self-motivation and self-motivation brings excellence.

These days our government is also applying lean management as our PM has said that his team is trying to figure out all those policies/laws which are creating waste in the government system. Lean approach is a symbol of seriousness toward process excellence.